Published: 22nd September 2023
Why we're delighted to have recruited Richard to a senior role.
We’re convinced we’ve achieved something of a coup by recruiting a vastly experienced sustainability advisor to our new senior post of associate director.
Richard Tucker, whose career in environmental management began more than 20 years ago, has joined us from his role as sustainability advisor at Legal & General Modular Homes, previously a major supplier of prebuilt manufactured dwellings. He was based at the organisation’s former headquarters in Sherburn in Elmet, North Yorkshire, for three years.
The possessor of significant experience...
…in providing client-focused sustainability advice across the public and private sectors, Richard has added value to large and small projects in fields such as the corporate, education, health and industrial arenas.
Our specialists have unsurpassed expertise in all aspects of managing carbon emissions from new or existing buildings. Their contribution to new projects regularly allows clients – such as architects, developers and investors – to reduce emissions dramatically, often to net zero, and save significant sums of money, in respects such as material costs, between stages such as detailed design and practical completion, for example. Our work can also help protect or enhance the market value of clients’ developments and ensure they comply with ever-tightening law and regulation.
Reacting to his appointment, Richard said: “I’m delighted to be joining Green Box Thinking for a number of reasons. The most important is decarbonisation, which couldn’t be a more vital or urgent quest for humanity overall, as the recent horrific wildfires in Hawaii, USA, and British Columbia, Canada, for example, demonstrate.
“But, more than that, the built environment is easily the biggest source of carbon emissions, both in the UK and worldwide. The construction industry has therefore, in my view, been crying out for an organisation like Green Box Thinking, which offers a unique combination of experts steeped in the sector’s highly specialist circumstances and top-quality client service.
“I firmly believe the key to ensuring low or no emission outcomes is establishing clear carbon strategies at the start of design processes, that provide clear direction to design and construction teams. I know Green Box Thinking shares this philosophy, so I’m relishing the prospect of helping its clients benefit from this enlightened approach.”

The built environment supplies almost 40 per cent of all worldwide carbon emissions, through a combination of embodied and operational discharges. Embodied emissions are those locked-in during the construction process, through the use of materials such as concrete or cement, and comprise about 11 per cent of global outflows. The operational type are those generated during buildings’ day-to-day running – through features such as heating, lighting or air conditioning systems – and account for around 28 per cent of worldwide discharges.
Richard graduated at the University of Bradford...
…after a multi-disciplinary course covering topics such as pollution science, environmental management, biodiversity and ecological appraisal, in 1997. He was awarded a master’s degree by the University of Nottingham, in environmental law and science, three years later.
His working life began...
…with a year-long stint performing noise surveys and workplace air monitoring with Caerphilly-based environmental service company National Britannia. He later spent two years as a contaminated land consultant with QDS Environmental, a Guildford-based soil and water remediation specialist.
Richard was then with the Environment Agency for five years, in roles including environment officer and water resources officer.
Following this, he became an environmental sustainability consultant for three years with Blue Sky Environmental, a consultancy based in north-west England, undertaking assessments of the built environment through tools such as those developed for the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method.
Richard was subsequently a senior consultant, delivering sustainability advice, with the UK arm of global property and construction consultancy Gleeds for six-and-a-half years.
He then became a senior sustainability consultant with two Leeds-based employers, before joining Legal & General Modular Homes: leading building physics engineering consultancy Yonder, where he spent almost two years, and construction industry sustainability consultants GWP Project Services, where he worked for 14 months.
Yonder’s experts improve aspects of non-domestic constructions’ internal and external performances, compared to their base concepts or previous results, in aspects such as environmental-friendliness, thermal comfort and power consumption.
Richard will now play a crucial, senior role...
…in developing and delivering our services relating to carbon emissions. He’ll have a particularly pivotal responsibility for advising clients on the setting of demanding but achievable targets and verifying their evaluation procedures.
He explained: “Our targeting service helps clients plot paths to net zero emissions. We operate at the levels of their overall businesses or particular buildings and developments.
“We bring to the targeting table our extensive understanding of current regulations, guidance and best practice, plus lengthy sector experience and widespread knowledge of the results that have been achieved by other organisations or at previous developments.
“Competitors who lack our knowledge or insights can only set targets based on industry standards and benchmark figures, which tend to be less demanding. They’re therefore not as effective in reducing emissions and thus in interesting investors or occupants and maximising a building’s value.”

Verification is a high-level process...
...involving accredited, independent third-party organisations like us confirming clients have followed the correct industry standards, governance procedures and mechanisms. It therefore establishes that the amounts of carbon their buildings emit are being determined accurately and the resulting figures can thus be regarded as authoritative.
Richard said: “Verification is much more about taking overviews of the processes clients are following than delving into the detail of their projects. More importantly, it confirms that the journey taken to determine net zero has been the correct one. It typically takes place at project stages such as concept, design and completion.
“Regulations say the wider roles of organisations on projects they verify must be extremely limited, to avoid the danger of them marking their own homework. So, while we can certainly advise verification clients on project targets or carbon credits and point them in the direction of relevant materials on our website’s education page, for example, we can’t make detailed calculations or provide operational advice…though we may, of course, fulfil these functions for them on other projects.”
While most of our verification work relates to particular buildings, it’s becoming increasingly common for organisations such as large developers to request this service in relation to their sub-contractors’ whole businesses. There’s an authorised and approved methodology we use for this task, which involves us examining factors such as sub-contractors’ offices, staffing and travel.
Richard said: “Targeting and verification are both usually inexpensive and straightforward. They don’t demand that clients commit vast amounts of time or other resources and needn’t slow the progress of developments significantly.”

Other Green Box Thinking services in which Richard will be involved include counselling clients on and actioning the purchase of appropriate carbon credits. These balance and offset any remaining emissions after all possible design measures, such as using environmentally friendly building materials or managing on-site operations astutely, have been implemented. This is because the credits are effectively investments in projects proven to deliver environmental benefits.